Tuesday, November 23, 2010

chariots of immortality

every morning when i go to drop my kids to their respective schools

on the way i see quite a few young and smart "government" officers

in "their" official cars and scorpios and jeeps.

the visual of them sitting in erect postures in the rear seat is really a treat to watch!

the serious look on their face is amazing!

they already seem to have what it takes to be top bureaucrats and officers!

snob can be seen perched on their nose even at this young age.

they seem to be the youngest officers of the country!

they seem least bothered about the traffic chaos outside

they keep sitting cosily in the rear seat with their elbow resting against the pillow

while "their" drivers negotiate the traffic jams basically created by them only.

they emotionlessly watch their "colleagues" jostle for a foot in the bus outside to reach the same destination.

they cold-shoulder their "buddies" left stranded on the way.

afterall the cars and the scorpios and the jeeps are "their" exclusive right!

afterall, they themselves are the sons and daughters of top government officials!!!

What if they are just kids

they feel good when they reach their schools like a prince or princess arriving in a chariot amidst the mortals!

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